Once-only at the Ministerial eGovernment Conference in Tallinn
The SCOOP4C project will be present at the Ministerial eGovernment Conference in Tallinn, Estonia on October 6th, 2017. Together with the sister project TOOP, SCOOP4C will be there to discuss the once-only principle and how to transfer e-governance knowledge and expertise between countries. Robert Krimmer of the Tallinn University of Technology will present preliminary outcomes of the TOOP project as well as the possible cross-border potential of once-only.
The Conference is being held as part of the programme of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It addresses leading e-governance experts, decision makers, donors, and civil society groups to launch high-level discussions about current advantages and challenges of e-government solutions through the use of best practices and practical examples from public and private sector organisations. The Estonian Council of the EU Presidency also hopes to convene the European ministers responsible for e-government in Tallinn to sign a joint Tallinn e-government declaration (the Tallinn Declaration) to reinvigorate Europe's efforts in this area. They would like to agree upon a road map for the next steps in e-government at both the national and EU levels.
For more information, click here to visit the Estonian's Council of the EU Presidency website. This will be the agenda for the day.