
The following are the existing OOP cases that were identified through the case analyis  in Deliverable 1.2:



To provide you a brief introduction to the future OOP scenario in education domain, we kindly ask you to watch the following video. Alternatively you may click through the subsequent slideshow, which contains subtitles to explain the scenario interactions. Moreover, the textual description and posters could be found under the  interactive slideshow.


Education Scenario from SCOOP4C on Vimeo.




Description of scenario:

Lisa, a student from country A wants to study for a semester at another university in country B. Lisa applies through an online subscription portal to the host university (1) using her national digital ID. Through the application portal, her name is read from the digital ID and she selects the home university and study program she is subscribed to, as well as host university and the study programme she wants to attend abroad. She also provides the consent to the host university to retrieve her relevant personal and education data from her home university's information system (IS).

The host university in country B – the responsible clerk being authenticated through her or his national eID of country B – verifies Lisa’s digital identification and sends a request to the home university IS to retrieve Lisa's relevant personal and educational data (2). After the data is gathered, a responsible administrator reviews the data to ensure that Lisa fulfills the relevant educational pre-requisites for studying modules in the intended programme at the host university. Since the data is correct and Lisa fulfills the requirements, a confirmation of the successful subscription is sent to her from the host university (3) (e.g. via email or other communication channel Lisa has indicated).

Subsequently, Lisa is able to select and subscribe online to the courses she wants to take during her study abroad and which are offered in the semester she wants to study there (4). For this, she uses her home university IS to subscribe to the relevant courses at the host university and therewith generates a digital learning agreement. To map the courses, a semantic mapping tool is used, which maps suitable learning objects and credit points across universities in Europe. When she has finished the selection of courses, she submits the digital learning agreement to the administrator of the home university's study program and the host university, who approve the digital learning agreement. Lisa receives a notification and now can be sure that the modules she will be attending will be added to her transcript of records at the home university, when she will have finished her study abroad.

Lisa travels to the host university and studies there (5). After every module is graded, the respective grades and credit points are stored in the host university's information system (filling up the transcript of records at the host university). When Lisa has attended the last exams, she returns back to her home university. When all grades are available at the host university's IS (at best before Lisa leaves), Lisa manually triggers the transmission of the digital transcript of records (using her eID) to the home university (6). In this step, again semantic mapping and necessary translation services are used to map the educational data including courses, credit points, and grades from one education system to the other. For the mapping of the courses in the transcript of records, a European-wide service is used that handles the knowledge of both national vocabularies and grading systems and that knows the translation rules for the credits and grades received in different European countries. This way, the data can be automatically stored in the home university's information system (7). An administrator at the home university is notified to approve the data and ensure the correct mapping of modules to the curriculum of Lisa. When all data is correctly mapped, the transcript of records data is added to the home university IS, so Lisa’s curriculum data is updated.

The transmission of the data between the two universities is done via a secure transport protocol. The student exchange and simplification of administrative procedures is based on the strategies for the Digital Single Market and the legal frameworks (including GDPR, eIDAS or SDGR) that provide the legal basis for the seamless OOP implementation.

Gap list Education

Roadmap Action List (Education)

Roadmap Area Nr. Scenario Domain Gap Reference Nr. Roadmap Action Description of Action Measures Expected Results Responsible Actors Roadmap
Motivators MA.4 Social Protection, Health, Taxation, Moving, Education Educate citizens about benefits and positive impacts of the (cross-border) OOP by conducting workshops and distributing materials. Organization of educational events/workshops for citizens, as well as development and distribution of electronic or paper based brochures/booklets about the advantages of cross-border OOP. Active citizens engagement, Awareness raising to citizens Increased level of citizen's interest on services. High level of awareness of benefits and constructive impacts of the OOP solutions. Higher level of citizens' engagement. Service providers
Motivators MA.2 Social Protection, Health, Taxation, Moving, Education Inform citizens about benefits and positive impacts of the (cross-border) OOP implementation Making citizens aware of the benefits such as administrative burden reduction, cost and time saving etc. as well as the positive impacts on society and economy, which come by the (cross-border) OOP implementation Awareness raising to citizens Increased level of citizen's interest on services, higher level of awareness of benefits and constructive impacts of the OOP solutions will lead to more motivation among citizens. EU government, National government, Academia, NGOs
Trust and Transparency TTA.6 Health, Social Protection, Education, Moving, Taxation H.6, SP.7, E.8, M.7, M.8, T.10 Provide rights to withdraw data sharing consent as well as to modify their personal data Citizens should have the right to withdraw their consent for data sharing as well as to, to correct and even delete (if not necessary) their personal data at any time Policy Recommendation More control on the correctness and use of personal data leads to higher level of trust EU policy makers, National policy makers, EU legislators, National legislators
Trust and Transparency TTA.5 Health, Social Protection, Education, Moving, Taxation H.6, SP.7, E.8, M.7, M.8, T.10 Develop EU-wide transparency regulation Development of regulation on EU level, in order to grant transparency on the use of personal data that applies to all the EU-Members (in order to grant cross-border services). Implementation of regulations An EU wide transparency regulation is implemented and citizens are aware of it. Transparent use of personal data is guaranteed by government. EU government, National government, National legislators, EU legislators
Trust and Transparency TTA.4 Health, Social Protection, Education, Moving, Taxation H.6, SP.7, E.8, M.7, M.8, T.10 Inform citizens about transparent implementation of the OOP Active distribution of educative and promotional materials on transparency aspects of OOP services among the citizens by government. Awareness raising to citizens Public awareness about transparent OOP implementation. Higher level of citizens' of trust. Willingness of citizens to cooperate in terms of use of personal data and data sharing consent. National government
Trust and Transparency TTA.3 Health, Social Protection, Education, Moving, Taxation H.6, SP.7, E.8, M.7, M.8, T.10 Develop instructions for OOP service providers Elaboration of detailed instructions for service providers for all occasions, including accidental misuse, in order to reduce excessive personal responsibility of clerks. Design processes Higher level of service provider's confidence. Transparency in the OOP implementation will lead to higher level of trust in the OOP solutions. EU implementers, National implementers, Service providers
Trust and Transparency TTA.2 Health, Social Protection, Education, Moving, Taxation H.6, SP.7, E.8, M.7, M.8, T.10 Develop transparent mechanisms of personal data processing Provide transparency in procedures for accessing and processing of personal data in the OOP implementation by development of clear and acceptable tracking (reviewing) possibility for citizens. In addition, appropriate supporting political commitments, reg Design processes, Development of concepts Transparency in the OOP implementation will lead to higher level of trust on the OOP solutions. Data subject is able to identify and aware by whom, where and why their personal data was used, which builds trust. EU policy makers, National policy makers, EU implementers, National implementers, Service providers
Trust and Transparency TTA.1 Education, Health, Moving, Social Protection E.11, H.5, H.14, M.12, SP.2 Implement transparent OOP solution for providing consent on data sharing Facilitate provision of the data subject’s consent for data sharing (including emergencies in case you are not able to provide) by defining an explicit and common concept of the process. Policy Recommendation, Implementation of enablers Clear concept and seamless implementation for providing consent of data sharing will increase the level of trust on OOP implementations EU implementers, National implementers, EU policy makers, National policy makers
Technical Interoperability TA.3 Education E.10 Implement the available EU-wide student card on national level The European student card was developed in an EU funded pilot, which was completed in June 2018. Member States that were not part of the pilots have to adjust their systems to be able to accept the ESC. Therefore the policy makers have to generate accordi Implementation of enablers The use of the ESC achieves simplified transfer of student records and other educational data as well as harmonise national standards for student cards and related data. Furthermore the facilitation of an European Diploma and the appliance of digital lear EU policy makers, National policy makers, OOP implementers
Technical Interoperability TA.2 Taxation, Social Protection, Health, Education T.6, SP.13, H.8, E.4 Implement EU-wide enablers and infrastructures Widespread and effective implementation of the EU-wide technical enablers such as eDelivery as well as infrastructures (e.g. information systems and portals) to assure secure EU-wide communication Implementation of enablers Facilitates secure communication and data exchange between entities in different countries EU implementers
Technical Interoperability TA.1 Education, Moving, Taxation E.7, E.16, M.10, T.8, T.9 Implement cross-border eID according to eIDAS As eID is enforced in most Member States through the eIDAS, the use of the eID should now be also applied to cross-border services. Therefore national implementers have to review the national standards and adjust them accordingly. Implementation of enablers The cross-border authentication and authorisation through national eID will ease the mobility of citizens across the EU and boost cross-border OOP implementations in general. National implementers
Semantic Interoperability SA.7 Education Develop and implement an European Diploma Bachelor and master degrees are still very different in and between member states and they are not always fully accepted by other HEI´s. Development and implementation of the European Diploma can overcome this issue. To achieve this, relevant stakeholders Implementation of enablers, Policy Recommendation, Implementation of regulations Harmonisation of diplomas from EU students and enhancing expansion of studies in different Member States. Furthermore, it will ease the acceptance of diplomas in cross-border matters and enable easier working opportunities for citizens. EU implementers, Stakeholders in Education domain
Organisational Interoperability OA.10 Education E.13 Enter into EU-wide digital learning agreements Entering and creating more EU-wide digital learning agreements between EU universities to facilitate easy possibilities for students to study abroad and enhance the mobility of the students after finishing their studies. Policy Recommendation Facilitation of easy and/or automated mapping of courses and credits achieved by students in the host university to the education system of the home university and vice versa. The agreements will lead to a higher number of international and more flexible University directors, EU policy makers, National policy makers
Semantic Interoperability SA.4 Education, Taxation E.2, E.3, T.13 Develop mapping services to map data sets needed for standard public services Development and implementation of intelligent mapping services to facilitate meaningful cross-border data exchange. Service provider as well as national and EU implementers have to the analyse the national data sets of the most common public services to c Implementation of enablers Mapping services reduce the administration burden citizens and clerks experience in the transfer of information between EU Member States. Moreover, automated mapping would reduce translation mistakes and misinterpretations. The more mapping services are i EU implementers, National implementers, EU policy makers, National policy makers, Service providers
Semantic Interoperability SA.3 Taxation, Moving, Education T.4, M.6, E.2 Develop and implement multilingual code lists Development and implementation of multilingual code lists of objects in each respective domain (e.g. universities and courses in the education domain) will ease cross-border OOP implementations. Policy makers and EU implementers have to work together to a Implementation of enablers Multilingual code lists enable and simplify data exchange between EU member states, reducing administrative burden and easing the general processes of OOP implementations. EU implementers, EU policy makers
Semantic Interoperability SA.2 Social Protection, Education SP.6, E.2, E.3 Define and implement EU-wide vocabulary Definition and implementation of common EU-wide vocabulary. D-CAT is already in place and could be used in every member states. D-CAT is a standard model and vocabulary that facilitates the consumption and aggregation of metadata from multiple catalogues. Implementation of enablers Common vocabularies enable and simplify cross-border data exchange. Moreover, they enable automated translation and mapping for cross-border services, thereby reducing errors and administrative burden. EU implementers, EU policy makers
Organisational Interoperability OA.8 Education, Health, Moving, Social Protection, Taxation Define effective organizational structures for OOP implementation Appropriate organizational structures at national and EU level are necessary for seamless OOP implementation. An effective organization structure should be defined at EU level and following at national level. Development of concepts Harmonised organizational structures across Europe will facilitate appropriate cross-border cooperation and consequently pave the way for seamless OOP implementation EU policy makers
Organisational Interoperability OA.7 Education, Health, Moving, Social Protection E.2, E.4, E.8, H.11, M.12, SP.13 Develop rules of authorisation of organisations and person Member States have bilateral and had hoc solutions for giving rights to use services (data) for administrations and persons. Development of guideline, Development of tools for authorisation The processes of authorisation of administrations (rights are granted by service providers) and authorisation of persons are separated (granted by service consumers). Tools and guidelines are prepared. EU policy makers, National policy makers, National implementers
Organisational Interoperability OA.5 Education, Health, Moving, Social Protection, Taxation Rules and guidelines for authorisation on data access Eligible entities to access personal data should be defined with consideration of trust and transparency Implementation of regulations, Development of guideline Higher level of data protection and transparency and consequently, more trust on OOP services EU legislators, EU legislators, EU policy makers, National policy makers
Organisational Interoperability OA.4 Education, Health, Social Protection, Moving, Taxation Reference processes for interaction in secure data exchange EU-wide reference process should be defined and implement in order to support secure interaction and data exchange between different entities from all Member States Design processes, Implementation of systems Secure, clear, and precise processes for data exchange, which will lead to accurate OOP implementation EU policy makers, EU implementers